Our Red and Crimson Clover seeds
Greens are such an important food to add to our diet. The varitey of greens is simply amazing, and I think the supermarket doesn't even touch on the variety and types of greens there are, not to mention greens from sprouting seeds!
The benefits and rewards of adding greens to our diet is profound. More energy (yes, please!), a more alkiline body (always a good thing), detoxing (we all gotta lot of junk in us), not to mention the boost to our immune systems (and who doesn't need that this time of year?)
One way I like to add greens to our diet this time of year...well, any time of year actually...but it's so nice to have something "green" growing this time of the year....is by growing sprouts. It's also the perfect activity to have the kids help you with. An amazing lesson on how God takes the little seed, and helps it to grow! Life! For growing sprouts in the kitchen, I like to use a sprouting jar with a metal mesh lid. I believe you can even find them on amazon. Different seeds will have different soaking lengths and sprouting times. Easy to google and find out for the seeds you have obtained. This week, we are growing red and crimson clover seeds.
It really is just child's play---soak, rinse, drain, rinse, drain, ...rain, drinse, oh, sorry, make that drain, rinse....you get the picture! I usually place about 2 Tablespoons of seeds into the jar, cover with the mesh lid, and then add about half a jar of water, and let them soak for a good 8 hours. After that, begins the drain and rinse part. Drain out the water, and rinse well. I tip my jar at an angle in a bowl, so any water dripping out will be caught by the bowl. Some people may like to place them on a dish dryer. (You know, the metal or plastic rack that dishes dry on after being hand washed.)
You will see the little sprouts starting to grow. When they are to a length you like, put them in a sunny window for a bit, and you'll see them green up as benificial chlorophyll is being added! Greens that are easy to grow, a great lesson for children, and cost pennies...gotta love that!
Powdered greens
No, I'm not making a bit of money for recommending Garden of life products, but I do love them. I have their Perfect Food raw organic green supor food powder. Now, this is something that is more expensive. I don't feed this to my whole family...usually just myself. Mama needs energy to raise 5 (very!) energetic kiddos, and be the wife and everything else I need to be. I will put a scoop of this in a glass of good juice....shake it up....gulp it down. You don't really taste the green at all, just the juice....but it definitely has green color! And, there is no "crash" later. Keeps me runnin' like a top!
Adding greens to smoothies
This morning we just finished our blueberry yogurt smoothies....with kale! Some folks are more hard-core than me, and add TONS of greens to their smoothies. My kiddos are not big on green colored smoothies....however, I can add quite a bit without changing the taste or color of the smoothie. Especially if there is a little sweetener in it. Using orange juice concentrate as the sweetener in place of honey or something else, really masks the "green" taste, and is a great natural way to a great tasting smoothie!
You can use all sorts of greens or sprouts, to add a nutritional punch to your smoothies. Kale, romaine, lettuces, endive, the list goes on and on.
Add spinach to cooked dishes:
I always have a ton of spinach in my fridge. The beauty of spinach, is that you can throw some into almost any dish. Most of the dishes in my home have quite a bit of flavor, since I love using herbs and spices. Not just for flavor, but for their nutritional value as well. Many, many dishes can have spinach added to them, without anyone ever noticing. I just grab a handul or two, tear them up, and throw them in before the dish bakes, or at the end of sauteing my veggies. Just a minute or two in the pan, and they'll be wilted, so wait til the end.
Meatloaf, spaghetti, lasagna, meat casseroles, are just a few of the dishes that spinach is easily added to.
Blessings to you and your family,
{This post is a part of Monday Mania, Works for me Wednesday and Real Food Wednesday, Pennywise Platter, Simple Lives Thursday, Frugal Friday and Fight Back Friday}