My husband is a busy little big elf himself these days. It's a good thing Miss Lady K, and baby W can sleep through all the band saw and electric sander noises going on around here! The above rainbow stacking toy, we saw in a magazine recently, and thought it would be fun for Miss Lady K at three years of age. We decided we liked it in the natural wood color rather than the painted, with a newborn, we are a little short on time for making gifts!
This one is for our 14 year old daughter, B, who loves this phrase. We knew we had to figure out something to do with it, and came up with this shelf idea. The knobs my husband found went perfectly with the lettering....he purchased those at Menards.
The same magazine we saw the wooden rainbow in, we saw this wooden sword for boys...or, at least something similar to this. We knew that S, our six year old son, would LOVE my husband got to work drawing and cutting it out.
This axe also will go to our 6 year old, and is still in the rough cut stage at this point, so a little bit of sanding and finishing with a natural finish is still in order.
{My husband will be re-opening his etsy shop sometime after the holidays, and I will soon have a link for that. In the meantime....if you would like to order something here, or something similar for your children or grandchildren....or yourself, please e-mail us at [email protected] Also, if you have any questions....feel free to shoot us an e-mail as well!}
That's what worked for us!