Our 4 year old is the same as many others, I have a feeling. She loves to play dress-up, pretend she's a professional ballerina, and she's pretty sure she wants to be a mermaid when she grows up. As my 4th child to hit the age of 4, I have learned to enjoy this intense age.
Some of my young children have seen a need someone has, and are quick to help. Others of mine, have not even noticed when someone else has a need, for they are in their own little world. However, no matter the age, we all are somewhat selfish, aren't we?
However, the age of 4 seems to be an age when their little world revolves around themselves. They are feeling out this big world, and how they fit into it. When they see something they like, they want it to be their own. When they are hungry they want to eat.....now! And, make it something they like!
When my daughter had been showing me this type of behavior recently, it broke my heart. Impatience, not being thankful when given things, and some other behaviors I was not happy to see displayed.
As I was having my morning quiet time the other day, I poured out my heart to the Lord, asking for His wisdom regarding my daughter's heart. "What can I do, Lord, to show her the joy of serving others?" During that prayer time, a thought came to my mind, and I feel it was directly from God. He told me to come alongside her daily. Take her under my wing, and serve others together.
Where has this taken us? We've "suprised" her biggest sister while she was in the shower, by making her bed up quickly. She's also made our bed with me, to show daddy as well. Also, we've prayed together for different people. One night in particular, we were praying together for daddy, and the most beautiful words came out of her mouth. It truly brought tears to my eyes.
Our latest way to serve others, has been for us to buddy up and make lunch for everyone together. There are six of us here at lunchtime, and if daddy is home, that is seven (7!) lunches for hands to put together.
She places her little chefs hat on her head, and I set up a little station for her to work at. Yesterday was egg salad sandwiches, which was very messy, but lots of fun to put together with her. We laughed and laughed together as we served her brothers and sisters.
In the last month, since implementing this, I have seen profound changes in my little girls heart and attitude. God is changing her heart through her actions. She accepts taking turns without throwing fits as before, she apologizes quickly when having done wrong (which did NOT happen before without much prompting on my part), and she things of others on her own much more now.
Tonight, as she had a friend over to play, I watched her gladly share a special treat that she had received. She was quick to share all that she had, and played what her friend wanted to play (unlike before when she was always the boss of what to play!) I don't say any of this to brag on my child, (who still has a long way to grow....like her mama does as well.) But, I say this to encourage you to bring to the Lord any problem you see with your child.
Lay them at His feet, and watch what He does. It's amazing to watch God at work in our children.
{I am linked up over at The Modest Mom}