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Kathy Gillen

Okay...you've inspired me to get my dehydrater out of the box. I had been so good with it last year, but then put it away once and then got out of the habit. But this looks great.

Joy Y.


It is easy to get out of those "good habits"...much harder than the "bad habits", for some reason. I'm glad you're getting out your dehydrator again! Let me know if enjoy the recipes! Thanks so much for commenting, and hope to 'hear' from you again!




Do you know how it would work to sprout the buckwheat and put it in without drying it? It's going to get dried as granola anyway...


I am always looking for good granola recipes I will have to try this one!

Joy Y.


These are both so very good, and good for you! I don't know which one is my favorite--hope you enjoy them, too. Thanks so much for your comment.



Homeopathy Ireland

I'd love this but when it comes to making Ganola I am great one month then when it's gone I revert to the store brought (which I like too) and don't make more for another 6 months. Ok I'll try this one...

Joy Y.

I don't think you'll regret trying it....I was just eating it by the handful out of the jar as I was reading your comment!



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