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According to the Weston A. Price website, adding a little rye flour to the oats in soaking increases the phytase. It doesn't add any flavor. I add sprouted organic rye flour.

Joy Y.

Thanks so much for that info Marcee...I have read on that and agree that would be the best way to prepare them. I have been meaning to add that into my routine, as it seems to be of benefit, and only takes a second to do. Also, ground wheat flour will work as well. About 1/3 cup probably is a good amount for this recipe. Thanks for your comment, and hope to "hear" from you again!


Kristen S

Thanks for posting about the proper way to prepare oatmeal! We too just had that this morning, and I am just now learning about soaking grains and such. Glad to have found you!

Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

Thanks for the shoutout!

your food and your family is beautiful :)


Thanks for the recipe! Is there any way to make it gluten free? I buy gluten free oats, and am wanting to soak them, but I always just see recipes with flour in them - is it okay to leave it out?

Joy Y.

Kristen--Thanks for the comment....I'm glad you found me too! =) I'll be glad to help any way I can...no expert here...just a mama doin' her best to nourish her family, just like you.
Averie--Appreciate your sweet words--right back at ya!
Kelsey--I think reading the article found here...
might be helpful for you. Hope this helps!


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