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Great job! I too hope to have more children, but gave away all my daughter's clothes to a maternity resource center and am doing the same with my son's clothes as he outgrows them. Like you said, no reason for things to sit in a box for years meanwhile people in need can put them to use. I like to shop at rummage sales.

Joy Y.

Thanks for the comment! Yes, I'd rather be blessing others than cluttering my home with more things...with 4 kiddos and one due any day I have enough "stuff" already. Also, it is so fun to give....our children watch as we are blessing others and hopefully will do the same! Have a wonderful day!



you are right you can prepare for a baby on a low budget I did it and now my daughter is doing it as well

Joy Y.

I'm sure your daughter is grateful to have learned from her mama how to enjoy her baby without going broke, Angie! Thanks for stopping by!


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