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Yum! My son will go crazy for these.

Joy Y.

I'm glad your son will enjoy these, Jennifer! Let me know if you change the recipe up at all, cuz it's fun to learn from each other!



Could you make these ahead of time and reheat in the oven? I'm thinking nuggets in the freezer for a truly last-minute meal?

Joy Y.

Yes! At times we have made as much as a quadruple batch of these, and stuck the extras in freezer bags in the freezer. I wouldn't reheat in the microwave (we really avoid using ours anyway...), the oven would be the best place to re-heat them for a better texture. It is so nice to have things on hand for last-minute meals. Thanks for a great question, Erin.

Joy Y.

I should also make note that I have always baked them first before I froze them....maybe that's just a given, but I wanted to be sure everyone was aware of that =)



Can I safely assume that you mean "1/4 CUP" of coconut? Can't wait to try these!


Oops, sorry but I have another question: How much chicken breast did you use and how many people does the recipe serve? (Guess that's two questions, huh?) :)

Joy Y.

Hi Naomi,

Yes, I did mean 1/4 cup of shredded coconut...and I revised the post to answer your questions, just in case others wondered the same thing. Hope that helps! Ask as many questions as you like, I really don't mind at all....it's fun to "converse" with you guys who are reading the blog. Have a wonderful meal!


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